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Air Mass Monitoring and Classification


About the Spatial Synoptic Classification (click onto "SSC News" to get the latest version)

Perspectives on Synoptic Classification

Detecting Synoptic Warming Trends across US Midwest

Heat in the Heartland

The SSC: a Decade of Climate–Health Research

Initial Spatial Synoptic Classification Development

A New Spatial Synoptic Classification (SSC)



Cooling Our Cities: Reducing the Heat-Health Problem


Increasing Tree Cover and High-Albedo Surfaces Reduces Heat-Related ER Visits in Los Angeles, CA

Decreasing Heat Impacts and Mortality in Los Angeles

Building Climate Resilience Through Urban Greening

NEW Heat Wave Warriors

Forest Service Webinar: Urban Greening and Cooling to Reduce Mortality

Potential Impact of Cool Roof Technologies in Boston and Chicago

Heat Exposure Reduction Implementing Heat Mitigation Strategies in L.A.

Climate Resilience through Cooling in Los Angeles: LAUCC Final Report

Heat Island Reduction Strategies in the District of Columbia

Can cities keep their cool?



Climate Change Research


NEW SSC Projected for the 21st Century in Minnesota

Trends in Synoptic Heat Events in Minnesota

UM Special Report: Impact of Climate on Health

Climate Change and Heat Deaths: Newest Estimates

NRDC: Killer Summer Heat

Heat Vulnerability in California: Projecting Heat Events

Heat Vulnerability in California: Future Heat-Related Mortality



Ongoing Climate and Health Research


Heat and mortality in Los Angeles during Winter

Recent Trends in Heat Related Mortality in the US

Arsht-Rockefeller: How to Beat the Extreme Heat

NEW Our Lab's Contribution to the Wisconsin Heat Health Network

NEW OneHealth Regional Climate Consortium Presentation, University of Delaware

Improving Heat/Health Outcomes with Science-Based Policy

Weather and Air Pollution in Canadian Cities

Progress in Reducing Heat Related Mortality in the U.S.

Recent Trends in Heat-Related Mortality

Analog European Heat Waves For U.S. Cities To Analyze Heat-Related Mortality

Heat and Mortality Demographic Sensitivities in Los Angeles

Heat Stress Index - A New Relative Climatological Index

EPA Heat Guidebook, Co-Developed by our Lab



Heat Health Warning Systems (HHWS)


NEW Our Team's Role in the Development of CalHeatScore

NEW Greece Heat Categorization System

University of Wisconsin Grad Students Work on Heat Health Warnings

University of Wisconsin Weston Roundtable Presentation

Research Highlighted in Biometeorology Bulletin

WMO Guidance on Heat Warning Systems: Our Lab’s Contributions

Development of Heat/Health Systems

Evaluating the Perceived Risk of Heat by the Public

Heat Watch-Warning Systems: Benefits

Operational Aspects of the Shanghai System

Italian National System: Implementation and Results from Summer, 2003

New Korean Heat/Health System

How our heat/health warning systems operate



Bioclimatological Research: Plants, Animals, Humans and Disease


The New Cold Advisory for Newborn Livestock Factsheet (CANL)

CANL Becomes Operational for the National Weather Service

The Notion of Applied Biometeorology

Interpretation of Gypsy Moth Frontal Advance

Meteorological Influences on the Dispersion of Pine Blister Rust

Synoptic Evaluation of Dispersal of White Pine Blister Rust




International Projects


Effects of heat waves on 14 Korean cities using synoptic approach

WMO Assessment of Weather Mortality Extremes

Analog European heat waves for Korean cities to analyze heat/mortality

Cold Spell Mortality in Korean Cities

Climate change impacts on mortality in Korean cities

Heat and Health Issues in the Russian Far East: Joint Russian/US Collaboration

Urban Heat Island and Human Health in Shanghai

International Society of Biometeorology

NEW International Society of Biometeorology:  Climate and Health Commission

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